Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding, Unsplash
African signatory States to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) met in Kampala, Uganda, on 29-30 May 2017 to discuss challenges and possible solutions to ratifying the CCM in the lead up to the Seventh Meeting of States Parties (7MSP) that will take place on 4-6 September 2017 in Geneva.
The seminar brought together 9 African signatory States (the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Liberia, Namibia, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, Tanzania, The Gambia and Uganda) and new State Party Madagascar.
To date, there are 119 States that have committed to the CCM: 101 States parties and 18 signatories of which 13 are African States.
Signatory States attending the event provided an update on their current positions and plans regarding the ratification of the Convention. They warmly congratulated Madagascar on becoming the CCM’s 101st State Party.
The meeting was organized by the Coordinator on National Implementation Measures (New Zealand) and the Coordinators on Universalization (France and Zambia) of the CCM and was co-hosted by Uganda.
The seminar was made possible through the generous contribution of the government of New Zealand and in-kind support of the government of Uganda. Also participating providing technical support were the ICRC and the Cluster Munition Coalition.
Click here for the final report.
Background information
Opening remarks
Session 1
Overview of the Convention: Achievements and challenges
CCM overview
Session 2
Updates from signatory States on their position and plans to ratify the Convention
Session 3
Addressing operational obligations of the Convention
Art. 4 Clearance implementation
Art. 9 National implementation measures
Art. 7 Transparency measures
Session 4
Addressing national ratification and domestication of the Convention
ICRC tools – Implementing the CCM
Closing remarks
African Union briefing note on CCM